Monday, April 13, 2009

Twins in the same classroom

So when Janet and I were growing up, they didn't put twins together in the same classrooms. The only class my sister and I ever shared was Algebra in 9th grade and the only reason we ended up in there together was because Janet and Ms. Bell hated each other and she gave Janet her first F! Mom was furious to say the least. She went straight to Mr. Thomas and had him move Janet to my class. (Janet you will have to tell the story of mom and Ms. Bell in another post!)

So when Taylor started elementary school I was amazed to see that he had twins in his 2nd grade class. The parents requested that the twins be together and not separated so that they had each other as friends (this is coming straight from the horses mouth). I have to totally disagree here.

My sister and I have always wanted people to see us as two individuals since that is in fact what we are. We are not one person. I'm glad my mom didn't request us to be in the same class because we made our own friends, developed our own personalities and didn't depend on each other. She gave us our independence. I'm convinced it should not be acceptable for parents of twins to ask that their twins be in the same class for this reason.

That's not to say you pick on one twin, the other one isn't going to kick your butt!

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